Key Words

Communication: It is an attempt to share understanding by two or more persons

.  Sender: He is a person who initiates the communication process.

  Receiver: The listener who receives and encoded message and attempt to decode the same in its true spirit.

 Message: it is an encoded idea transmitted by the sender. 

Internal and External Communication: A communication within organization is internal communication and communication with outside the organization is external communication.

Self Assessment Questions 

1. Attempt a suitable definition of the term communication and elaborate your definition. 

2. "The single most significant characteristic of the human race is the ability to communicate." Discuss. 3. "Communication is the sum of all things one person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding." Discuss. 

4. Write a not on the need and importance of business communication. 

5. What is meant by the communication situation? Do the following constitute communication situations? (a) An Englishman speaking in English to an illiterate Indian; 

 (b) Two young boys talking to each other in a code language, which they have evolved themselves; 

(c) A man muttering to himself; (d) A young lover talking to the moon?

 6. What are the various steps in the communication cycle? What is brain drain? Why does brain drain occur?

Effective Communication Skills

Objective: The major objective of this lesson is to create an understanding in the minds of students regarding various communication skills and also let them know the relevance of such skills.



                       Objective of Business Communication

                  Effective Communications Skills 


                   Key Words 

                Self Assessment Questions 

Suggested Readings.


Communication is the lifeblood of an organization and without it organization cannot stay alive. As such, the top management of an organization should ensure that adequate and smooth communication flows in all directions and it is effective as well. A periodic review of the existing pattern of communication effectiveness should be made. This review would, on the one hand, reveal the direction in which the existing situation falls short of organizational requirements and, on the other would reveal the underlying forces responsible for the prevailing state of affairs as also the actions required to remove those. Communication is, however, one of the most difficult of all the managerial activities to measure. Quantitative and objective proof of the success of 2 effectiveness is extremely hard to come by. However, in evaluating communication, much can be accomplished by a systematic approach utilizing a planned method of evaluation that likes for results in terms of stated objectives and takes into account both success and failure. Any assessment of communication, as such, requires the determination of the criteria for this evaluation and fixation of norms in respect of these criteria. Both of these are, further, to be oriented to the basic objective of the process itself. In general terms, the objective of communication may be defined as the passing of ideas and understanding from the sender to the target with the view to getting the desired behavioural response from the latter. The finding out of the actual behavioural responses and comparing these with the expected ones, however, in case of this continuously on-going process, presents insurmountable difficulties. The ultimate objectives of the communication are related to the communication programmes through their relationships with immediate objectives. Effective communication, as such, might be the accurate transmission and receipt thereof and its correct understanding. There are several elements in communication that can be evaluated to assess directly the effectiveness of communication.